88 Minutes (May 2005)
88 minutes
Time seems to be so important to all of us. Well, maybe to some more than others. Part of my obsession in life is to always get somewhere on time, submit something on time, and basically, know the time. The greater majority of people in this country, don’t seem to value the essence of punctuality, they wear their watches for decoration, and presume that being 30 mins late for anything is normal. Fashionably late, I hope, will one day, no longer be fashionable. But this article isn’t about that, it’s about a different clock men and women are ruled by over the one strapped to their wrist.
The biological clock, yes, you have heard the term ( predominantly from the female sex) and its ticking seem to resonate so loudly in their ears that you end up getting deaf ( and cold feet ) just hearing about it. What is the biological clock exactly? Again I assume most of you are familiar with the term, but the exact meaning escapes you. Better said it may be what’s “implied” when a woman mentions the “tick tock” that don’t stop (sorry for plagiarizing a song lyric). When I was in my late 20’s the term was mentioned often, and even more so now as most of my peers are of an age where this timebomb has caused more panic than one planted in a mall can ensue.
I decided, in the celebration of all things accessible and cyber oriented, to google the term. Woah! What did I hit, about a hundred Neuroscience websites. If you are brain surgeon or a scientific genius and can explain to me the ins and outs of the…uh, suprachiasmatic nucleus (which in the brain serves as the body clocks timekeeper) do bear with me for a moment. Biological rhythmicity and the clock mechanisms that drive biological rhythms are fundamental properties of all groups of cellular life, ranging from prokaryotes ( prokar-what?) to humans. These biological clocks time specific molecular, physiological, and behavioral events to optimize their phase relationships relative to the time of day (circadian) and time of year (circannual).
Ok, MY brain hurts now. Maybe googling the term wasn’t the right way to go about it. Here then is my NON scientific and Female interpretation of what goes through most women’s mind when timekeeping. Babies. She wants to be a mother, she wants to be a healthy, happy, active one, and the older she gets, the harder, medical science has drummed into her head, that’s going to be. In many societies, women feel that the minute they hit their 30’s the childbearing years are diminishing, and for many who want kids, a subconscious PANIC ensues. All of a sudden the woman in your life needs to have ”the talk” and what happens in most men? I will say it again....PANIC.
Now gentlemen, did you actually think that you could stay away from the “talk”? It’s rare in my experience for men to think that the talk is anything but premature. “But we’ve only been going out for…years!” my friends whine. What? 2 years? 20? Here’s what I think, stop your whining and listen to what she has to say. If she mentions biological clock then cut her some slack, she has medical proof to back her claims up. If you had once viewed her as the mother of your children ( such a cheesy movie line I think) then you better get a move on too buddy. If you’re really not ready to be a husband and a father, or, just a father, then let her know why, if she asks for a deadline (read: implied ultimatum) then ask for some “Time” to think. And really, really do. If you’re not dating someone fresh out of highschool or even college, then be mature enough to take her concerns and fears into consideration.
We all need time. Time to make decisions, time to plan, time to reflect, and time to take the next step. If you have decided that yes, she is THE one who you would like to share a life and a family with ( considering these are really what you want at the present stage) then let her know. Time starts now.
Time seems to be so important to all of us. Well, maybe to some more than others. Part of my obsession in life is to always get somewhere on time, submit something on time, and basically, know the time. The greater majority of people in this country, don’t seem to value the essence of punctuality, they wear their watches for decoration, and presume that being 30 mins late for anything is normal. Fashionably late, I hope, will one day, no longer be fashionable. But this article isn’t about that, it’s about a different clock men and women are ruled by over the one strapped to their wrist.
The biological clock, yes, you have heard the term ( predominantly from the female sex) and its ticking seem to resonate so loudly in their ears that you end up getting deaf ( and cold feet ) just hearing about it. What is the biological clock exactly? Again I assume most of you are familiar with the term, but the exact meaning escapes you. Better said it may be what’s “implied” when a woman mentions the “tick tock” that don’t stop (sorry for plagiarizing a song lyric). When I was in my late 20’s the term was mentioned often, and even more so now as most of my peers are of an age where this timebomb has caused more panic than one planted in a mall can ensue.
I decided, in the celebration of all things accessible and cyber oriented, to google the term. Woah! What did I hit, about a hundred Neuroscience websites. If you are brain surgeon or a scientific genius and can explain to me the ins and outs of the…uh, suprachiasmatic nucleus (which in the brain serves as the body clocks timekeeper) do bear with me for a moment. Biological rhythmicity and the clock mechanisms that drive biological rhythms are fundamental properties of all groups of cellular life, ranging from prokaryotes ( prokar-what?) to humans. These biological clocks time specific molecular, physiological, and behavioral events to optimize their phase relationships relative to the time of day (circadian) and time of year (circannual).
Ok, MY brain hurts now. Maybe googling the term wasn’t the right way to go about it. Here then is my NON scientific and Female interpretation of what goes through most women’s mind when timekeeping. Babies. She wants to be a mother, she wants to be a healthy, happy, active one, and the older she gets, the harder, medical science has drummed into her head, that’s going to be. In many societies, women feel that the minute they hit their 30’s the childbearing years are diminishing, and for many who want kids, a subconscious PANIC ensues. All of a sudden the woman in your life needs to have ”the talk” and what happens in most men? I will say it again....PANIC.
Now gentlemen, did you actually think that you could stay away from the “talk”? It’s rare in my experience for men to think that the talk is anything but premature. “But we’ve only been going out for…years!” my friends whine. What? 2 years? 20? Here’s what I think, stop your whining and listen to what she has to say. If she mentions biological clock then cut her some slack, she has medical proof to back her claims up. If you had once viewed her as the mother of your children ( such a cheesy movie line I think) then you better get a move on too buddy. If you’re really not ready to be a husband and a father, or, just a father, then let her know why, if she asks for a deadline (read: implied ultimatum) then ask for some “Time” to think. And really, really do. If you’re not dating someone fresh out of highschool or even college, then be mature enough to take her concerns and fears into consideration.
We all need time. Time to make decisions, time to plan, time to reflect, and time to take the next step. If you have decided that yes, she is THE one who you would like to share a life and a family with ( considering these are really what you want at the present stage) then let her know. Time starts now.